How can I contact the seller?

We've made it really easy to get in touch with our sellers, and really encourage you to do so.

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Selling Fees

If you would are interested in opening a shop with the Guild our current fees are listed onsite

International Customers and Sellers

The Guild is a UK based marketplace for UK based creatives

Get in early, to avoid the rush!

Get VIP access to the goings on at the Silk Purse Guild. We won't be chucking tins of spam (yuck), but you may find a few special offers, new releases and exciting announcements snuggled into your inbox.

Are there any items I cannot sell on the Silk Purse Guild?

The prohibited items list at the Silk Purse Guild ensures all products meet legal and quality standards, protecting both sellers and customers while maintaining the marketplace's commitment to originality and craftsmanship. Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for upholding the trusted reputation and artisanal integrity of the Guild.

How do I request a refund?

For refunds, you will need to contact the Shop owner Directly

Can I search for a particular Seller?

Absolutely! We've made it super easy to find your favourite stores.

How do I leave Feedback?

Your experience on our site matters, and you can rest assured that all feedback is read and taken seriously.

feedback order review
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When will my Purchase Arrive?

For delivery and dispatch times please refer to the individual shop policies.